
Customized frontend application builder.


Files that builder adds to your project



The default folder names are: css, js, fonts, templates, bower_components and img. Those folders should be inside a parent folder called app. Let's say that you're building an awesome app called cat-facts-generator. Your project structure should look like this:

    --- /app
        --- /js
        --- /css
        --- /img
        --- /fonts
        --- /templates
    --- /bower_copmonents
    --- .gitignore
    --- bower.json

(please note that you can change the folder names in your builder-project-config.json)

Method 1: After installing builder run builder in your terminal and choose "Create a new project". Enter the name of your app, the name doesn't have to be the same as the folder name so you can just write "cat" instead of "cat-facts-generator".

Method 2: If you don't want to add and persist the project and you just want to run it navigate to the project directory in the terminal and run builder .

The default builder command will process the files in development mode, run a server on http://localhost:9000, and keep watching the files for changes.

After running builder you will see that a build folder was added but instead of the source files it has the processed and compiled files (app.js, app.css, lib.js, lib.css) etc. This is the folder that you want to deploy to production or upload to your FTP server.

If you want a production version of your app (minified, uglified, etc.) you should run the build command: builder -n cat-facts-generator -t build:only. See the list of commands you can run below.

